-You don't want anybody.
-I respect you too much.
-You're empty.
She turned to him angrily.
-I'm changing -she spoke through clenched teeth.
-You lie.
-I love you!
-You're crazy...
She looked down at the floor.
Respecting real desires. |
-Can you respect and... love?
-As could not be otherwise.
She heaved the breath, overwhelmed.
-Why do I find it so hard to understand this time?
-Because you don't want to love me.
-I think I don't...
-You do -he interrupted.
She relaxed her shoulders and, still confused, asked:
-Am I being selfish?
He put his arm around her waist.
-You're trying hard...
Desiring real respect. |
-Trust me or forget me -he sentenced.
-I don't intend to forget you.
-Then, stop inhibiting yourself.
-You're crazy!
He took his arm off her waist and walked away. She was dying to run towards him but...
He perdido toda la vida buscando el arca perdida.
Los tesoros imposibles que ha escondido tu sonrisa.
Si lo nuestro fue mentira, tus coartadas no respiran.
Olvidaste pintalabios imprudente, insolente, impaciente, improcedente en bocas que no eran la mía.
[Los tesoros imposibles - Huecco]
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