sábado, 28 de mayo de 2011

Two sayings

The enlightened one wants to fix this machine. He wonders why it returns the coin after insertion.
This machine doesn't need any adjustment, only your ways, your ideas need it. I'm part of this machine and I declare that I don't want your money if in return I have to give up my freedom.
I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees. I hope the rest of the parts think the same.


At nights it's cold and windy. The city is white, the sky is black. Pollution hides the stars from him, the weight of loneliness flopped into his bones mercilessly. 'Does anyone ever miss me?' Now his voice is a chill breeze. 'If I die tonight...' He cannot find shelter anywhere.

Quiet waters run deep. He bears what he feels and what he feels he belies.
But for the rest he's nothing but a small star less in the sky. Out of sight, out of mind.

domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011


Tell me the smallest number you know. The universe fits in a cell. And there's still room for more.
As my mind moves away from the Earth's surface, my questions become bigger, heavier. My conscience floats in the deep vacuum of space. I see the planets rotating, orbiting on ellipses with the Sun at one focus. And I ask myself, why? I approach the Sun, I can't feel the heat, the tongues of fire can't swallow me. I'm so extensive that I can embrace it. But I'm not huge enough. I look up, down, right, left, backwards and behind this star I have in front of me. The panorama is the same everywhere: heavenly bodies and nebulas of all sizes and colours, but the background, unattainable blackness.

I totter for a while, and swim down. I wonder myself, if I fall down to this eternal emptiness, how long could I be falling? Millennia pass, and I feel alone. I haven't reached the bottom yet. Infinite makes me dizzy.

I open my eyes again, I'm home.
I look at my hands, I move my fingers, which tremble, warm, full of blood, and I ask myself, why?
When I leave this planet, will I wake up in another one? There's energy enough for more life, here or wherever. I look out the window. It's night again.

It's difficult to classify the people who don't find use in praying. As you don't believe, you create your own theories. I find few drawbacks to this kind of agnosticism I follow. You have to assume that you won't ever know why. Nobody's going to explain you. You will die, as trees do, as bacterias do. And I'm ready to walk on this path that's life, until the end. I know my death is the right way, so I can't be happier with this life that has been given to me.

Religion tries to seduce me. People open their hearts to me, full of love for their God. Their words are a sweet lullaby. They talk about beauty, peace, security and immense love. I close my eyes once more, my senses concentrated in my ears, and I listen. Tell me about the magnificence of the paradise, about the accomplishment of all your dreams, and I'll sleep soundly tonight.
But when I wake up, I don't doubt.

viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011


You think everyday is the end of the world. I take life easier than you. So I don't tell how much I care for you, how I miss you, how happy I feel when I see your face. How much I love you and I need you.
And yet you say that you're the coward one? You might be scared, but you face your fears. And that's the real courage.

Don't know why I believe you. Why would you love me?
Don't ever think I'm angry with you, because I can't. Don't ever think that I don't love you anymore, because that's something I can't control. And even if I could, I wouldn't decide to love you less.

I'm not going to apologize for not being like you. We need to understand each other. Believe in each other.
And we will see that, whatever happens, everyday there's a new sunshine.

lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011

This is for the greed of bigger brains!

I don't want to talk about the same stuff day after day. These are my reasons:
First, it has weakened. Second, I don't like complaining about such trivial things. Third, if I want to say something, I'll say it personally. I wouldn't like to become the kind of person I dispraise. But I'm not going to talk with anyone. I've taken my decision about it. I tried it with all my fucking heart, but I'm not going to creep. I've answered for my acts, but they made me realize that I am right too.

I want to shout everything out but I can only heave a sigh... I need to do this, it will make me feel better.
And that's all I care now, baby.


And if you don't understand it, it's for these reasons:
First, you don't catch an irony even if it's right under your nose (the title is one, sweetie). Second, because you must be stupid, seriously. And third, because you didn't even read this!
I'm relieved that this will be the last time I spoonfeed you.

Haha, so much better now...!

You need to grow up. How or when I don't care, I'll keep laughing at the sky. I love laughing, don't you?

martes, 10 de mayo de 2011


I used to believe that the mind could control the heart.
Maybe it can deny the feelings, but the heart won't ever understand brain's logic rules.

And what about the mind? Can it be controlled by itself?
What happens when you're sick? I'm not talking about feelings, I'm talking about sickness.
Can a heart heal a mind...?
I hope it can. Please, give me something.

You're scared of losing me. I'm scared of not losing it. I'm so scared.
Scared of the light, scared of the eyes, scared of the truth. Scared of the coming days... Thinking they won't be better. Knowing they'll get worse.

Terrified. And hopeless.

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

Needs somebody to lean on

 I would be ready to say good bye now. I stay with the ones who care, I'll keep them.
We know what we're doing. The days keep going by and the free puff of the wind has chilled my heart.

The warmness of your heart melts this ice and it escapes from me through the eyes.
It was difficult for me to realize that I was cooped up in one of your ventricles. But now I appreciate these walls so much.
I felt a slow beating, so I tried to pump the blood desperately. But any of my movements worked. Now, I'm sorry because I couldn't believe. It was difficult for me to realize... that I was such an important thing.
Look at me, there's no more floes inside me. What I feel is solid.

We were approaching so fast. Was that the mistake? Did the speed make us collide?

We were on the verge. But now it seems like we're growing apart.
I wish we had collided and broken our bones in a hug.

Trust me now, I'm not letting you down. I swear.

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

Double palindrome

Caen mis columnas, es inocultable. Ciclo lunar me dictó luz, hambre, ritmo.
Cuna de mi locura, estilo fugaz, temido. Un arte sin voz, un aprendiz común.

Caen mis colum
nas, es inocul
table. Ciclo lu
nar me dictó luz,
hambre, ritmo. Cu
na de mi locu
ra, estilo fu
gaz, temido. Un
arte sin voz, un
aprendiz común.

Live Not On Evil / Dogma I Am God

domingo, 1 de mayo de 2011

Pas droit

You think you're helping, but you only make things worse. Really, you don't help me no way.
Stop your stupid advices and glances. I'm sick.
I could say it again and again. I'm so sick. Leave me alone a fucking time, I'm tired! Fed up with everything!

I want to break the house down with a kick. I want to hear how it rumbles but all I see are my hands shaking. And this is worsening. Each time I hit harder, each time it hurts worse. The thoughts are the worst part. I want to bang my head against the wall, with all my strenght. Someday I'll finally do it.
Shit, I need control! I lie on the bed, I try to calm down myself. I close my eyes... but when I realize I'm biting my lips again. 'What can I do now? If I hit again, I'll get hurt.' Does it matter? Will it matter?

Listen, you. I'm fucked up. Don't want nothing from you.
I just want to burst, break, burn, bang until I drop down unconscious.

I'm sorry, guys.

Thank you for the memory

I only ask of God
He won't let me be indifferent to the suffering.
That the very dried up death doesn't find me
Empty and without having given my everything.

I only ask of God
He won't let me be indifferent to the wars.
It is a big monster which treads hard
On the poor innocence of people.
It is a big monster which treads hard
On the poor innocence of people.

People... people... people.

I only ask of God
He won't let me be indifferent to the injustice.
That they do not slap my other cheek
After a claw has scratched my whole body.

I only ask of God
He won't let me be indifferent to the wars.
It is a big monster which treads hard
On the poor innocence of people.
It is a big monster which treads hard
On the poor innocence of people.

People... people... people.

Solo le pido a Dios
Que la guerra no me sea indiferente.
Es un monstruo grande, pisa fuerte
Toda la pobre inocencia de la gente.
Es un monstruo grande, pisa fuerte
Toda la pobre inocencia de la gente.

People... people... people.

[I Only Ask of God - Outlandish]